Thursday, April 29, 2004

Perth by Ong Lay Jinn a.k.a. Djinn, was average. Nice effort, but an unfocused and rambling movie, with not a few inconsistencies and stilted dialogue. The screening was made worse by the constant power trips in the building that interrupted the film several times.

Lim Kay Tong gave a decent performance, but the stage veteran had an atrocious accent. He sounded like a cardboard Italian don half the time while the other half was spent straining (and failing) to prevent his usual British-tinged diction from slipping out.

Sunny Pang's and Victory Selvam's performances were the best part of the movie, imho. Both flesh their roles out admirably with flair and panache, considering that they had secondary roles based on stereotypes: Pang as a gangster and Selvam as an old army buddy of Lim's character.

I really, really wanted this movie to be good. But it was so-so, at best. :(

Finished Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Chabon is hardly economical with his words. The prose is extremely descriptive and florid, the profusion of long latinates and unusual metaphors threatening to crowd themselves off the page. The result is a vividly imagined, well-written blend of history, fiction and changing zeitgeist. It's a good book to travel with -- short chapters, undemanding of the reader.

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